Thursday, April 9, 2020

Cleopatra’s Confession About Her Love Life!

"I am that woman who created many beauty procedures and seduction tips!
I used to have many extraordinary love affairs…
My appearance is excellent but I am smart and I know many sensual tricks!
My first lover was as hot as July!
Our relationship was banned by society, limited by marriages and my foreign nationality!
But our intimate life was out of this world, he loved to see me wrapped in a carpet and our emotions made us fly!

I gave him all my grapes and he made wine and juice from those that were of the highest quality!
But…that was just passion…
The queen’s bed ‘enjoyed’ many lovers and concubines…
Yet… I could not find my spiritual satisfaction…
I needed a man with real feelings and a genuine heart to connect with my soul lines!
That’s when I met him… He was like a tattoo or a special mark…
I know, your history books lie; therefore, many think that I cannot love and that I am classified under women of power and lust…
But he marked my inner soul, although he was great like a national symbol or anthem,
But he was my man, the one who connected not only with my body, but also with my heart!
Maybe, I will have to pay for all my past passionate conquests, as with that snake! Perhaps, I will stay single, because of that sentimental debt! But I really want to find the one who marked my soul to spend more days with my true love, in whom my soul trusts!

With Love, 
Historical Fantasy

PoetiKonstellation Thoughts:

This is a poem that is written from Cleopatra’s perspective. She was a powerful woman who invented beauty tricks and had many lovers and husbands. She was smart, yet very attractive and seductive. She had two prominent loves in her life: one was Julius Caesar and the other one was Mark Antony. As you can see, in this poem Cleopatra does not name her lovers by their names, but “mentions” the month of JULY and “compares” her other lover with some tattoo/MARK. Although there is no evidence that she had passion with Julius Caesar and that she shared pure love with Mark Antony, because many sources say that she was a woman of power and lust. But remember… this is a fantasy poem. Cleopatra was a woman and women not only want passion, they want love and intimate soul-level relationships and although it says that she killed herself using a snake, for political reasons, when Mark Antony died, this poem is romantic and it assumes that she killed herself, because she was in love with him, and that she didn’t want to live without him! Also in this poem Cleopatra is talking about her future/reincarnation, where she supposes that she will remain single for a long time, because she will have to pay her debt for indulging in so many passionate affairs, but she believes that after that purge she will reunite with her major love and true soul partner (Mark Antony.) Dear Reader, what do you think? Today, PoetiKonstellation has gotten so emotional that she even has been thinking not posting this poem. Yes, PoetiKonstellation loves to laugh! Hopefully, this poem also makes you not smile but laugh! How do you feel? Love is beauty! Love and beauty! Laugh, Dream and Love!

Feel free to share your comments and thoughts! Let's talk! If you want to share this poem, contact me for credit! Love is beauty! Love and beauty! Laugh, dream, love...


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